Good Question With Jessica Tanderup
Are you a Christian who sometimes has questions about how to apply Biblical principles to 21st Century issues? Do you worry that asking those questions means you don’t have enough faith? Jessica has been there. On this podcast. Jess and her guest(s) tackle tough topics
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
S3E10 - Cortt Chavis
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Jessica talks to Cortt Chavis, Pastor of Truth Chapel, recording artist, and energetic worship leader.He discusses his time in the military and the critical lesson the Church should learn.Cortt examines the morality of music and the impact it has on us. In this episode, he reveals the thingsJustin Bieber, Beyoncé, and Apostolic artists have in common. Pastor Chavis also shares the secret of howto perform at events like NAYC (it’s not what you expect). This episode is full of humor and great advice,and it's one you don't want to miss.
Connect with Jessica
Follow her for news, updates, and peeks behind the scenes.
Instagram | Facebook : @goodquestionshowOur goal is to reach people and let them know they are not alone. You can help us by sharing the show, liking, and commenting on ourposts and stories. We would love to know how the episodes have impacted you and what conversations it has sparked. It's always encouragingto hear that one of our episodes had an impact.If you love what we’re doing and want to support the show you can 'buy me a coffee'To support our trip to Denmark Click HereEmail the show with questions, ideas, or suggestions. We’d love to hear from you.
Connect with Cortt Chavis
You can find his music on Spotify and iTunesFollow him on Social Media.Instagram: @corttchavisFacebook: @corttchavis
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
S3E9 - Mark Crowder
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Jessica talks to Mark Crower, a Music Director, worship leader, and recording artist.His song Anything Can Happen is currently storming up the ranks of the gospel music charts.Mark talks about his songwriting methodology and how he believes that Apostolic artists don’t need togo out and do a new thing just for the sake of doing something new. He emphasizes the power of prophetic singingand encourages us to stay true to our Apostolic identity while pursuing passions and God-given dreams.
Connect with Jessica
Follow her for news, updates, and peeks behind the scenes.
Instagram | Facebook : @goodquestionshowOur goal is to reach people and let them know they are not alone. You can help us by sharing the show, liking, and commenting on ourposts and stories. We would love to know how the episodes have impacted you and what conversations it has sparked. It's always encouragingto hear that one of our episodes had an impact.If you love what we’re doing and want to support the show you can 'buy me a coffee'To support our trip to Denmark Click HereEmail the show with questions, ideas, or suggestions. We’d love to hear from you.
Connect with Mark Crowder
You can find his music on all streaming platforms including Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, and VEVOCheck out his website or find him on social media.Instagram: @markcrowderworshipFacebook: @markcrowderworship
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
S3E8 - Melody Silva
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Jessica talks to music teacher, influencer, and former music director Melody Silva about focusing and making time for the callingsand gifts in your life. Melody discusses giving your best to God without getting discouraged by comparing yourself with others.She talks about time management and how to push through self-condemnation. This conversation is uplifting, fun to listen to, andfull of practical advice.
Connect with Jessica
Follow her for news, updates, and peeks behind the scenes.
Instagram | Facebook : @goodquestionshowOur goal is to reach people and let them know they are not alone. You can help us by sharing the show, liking, and commenting on ourposts and stories. We would love to know how the episodes have impacted you and what conversations it has sparked. It's always encouragingto hear that one of our episodes had an impact.If you love what we’re doing and want to support the show you can 'buy me a coffee'To support our trip to Denmark Click HereEmail the show with questions, ideas, or suggestions. We’d love to hear from you.
Connect with Melody Silva
Check out her website or find her on social media.YouTube: Tune BucketInstagram: @tunebucketpianolessonsFacebook: @@tunebucketpianolessons
#churchmusic #youbelonghere #pianolessons #lovetoteach
Tuesday May 31, 2022
S3E7 - Jeremy & Jamin Hart
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Jessica talks to Jeremy and Jamin Hart, evangelists, songwriters, and recording artists, about ministering where you are in the moment.The couple discusses the musical influences on their lives, including southern gospel, which defined Jeremy’s early years.Jamin tells about her songwriting process and the moment she knew she would marry Jeremy. The Harts highlight that you must first bein a relationship with people before you can expect to influence them.
Connect with Jessica
Follow her for news, updates, and peeks behind the scenes.
Instagram | Facebook: @goodquestionshowOur goal is to reach people and let them know they are not alone. You can help us by sharing the show, liking, and commenting on ourposts and stories. We would love to know how the episodes have impacted you and what conversations it has sparked. It's always encouragingto hear that one of our episodes had an impact.If you love what we’re doing and want to support the show you can 'buy me a coffee'To support our trip to Denmark Click HereEmail the show with questions, ideas, or suggestions. We’d love to hear from you.
Connect with Jeremy & Jamin
Check out the Hart's website at to view the music, books, and resources available.Buy Jamin's books Faith All Over and Still Gonna Praise You on Amazon.Social MediaInstagram: @jeremyhart || @jaminannehartFacebook: @jeremyhartmusic || @Jamin Anne Hart
Tuesday May 24, 2022
S3E6 - Jason Smith
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Jessica talks to Jason Smith worship leader for Bethel UPCI in Long Island, NY about his struggles with anxiety and his methods of preparation.He discusses his feelings of shame and inadequacy after his divorce. Jason communicates the importance of mental health and stresses thatseeking professional help and counseling is often the best choice. He talks about how he is the product of his pastor’s dedicationto spiritual and musical excellence and their decades of consistency and faithfulness. This is an encouraging episode that showsit’s ok to ask for help and it demonstrates the power of showing up.
Connect with Jessica
Follow her for news, updates, and peeks behind the scenes.
Instagram | Facebook : @goodquestionshowOur goal is to reach people and let them know they are not alone. You can help us by sharing the show, liking, and commenting on ourposts and stories. We would love to know how the episodes have impacted you and what conversations it has sparked. It's always encouragingto hear that one of our episodes had an impact.If you love what we’re doing and want to support the show you can 'buy me a coffee'To support our trip to Denmark Click HereEmail the show with questions, ideas, or suggestions. We’d love to hear from you.
Connect with Jason Smith
If you would like to have Jason come minister to your church you can reach him through his social media.Social MediaInstagram : @dezmond2008 | Facebook
Resources mentioned
Previous episodesS1E9 - Let's Talk About ShameS1E7 - Let's Talk Mental HealthKingdomspeak Podcast: Psychology In The Church | Guests: Adam & Karissa King
#mentalhealth #anxiety #newepisode #apostolicpodcast
When you know Jesus is the answer, every question can be a Good Question.
We are an Apostolic Pentecostal podcast dedicated to discussing the tough topics Christians face in the 21st Century. Things like the role of women in ministry, racism in the church, a biblical view of sexuality, mental health struggles, pornography, addiction, shame, and more. Our goal for every episode is to get you thinking, spark conversation, and let you know, no matter your question or struggle, you aren't alone!